Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dota all stars 6.48 AI + map

Version: 6.48b.1.52
Category: Unofficial Maps

More like an update to 1.4 and a beta for 1.6. Not much change here.
6.48b AI+ 1.52 Changelog:

*Handicap reduced from 120/150/200 to 115/140/180
*combined -tm with -test
*fixed problem with "-c"," c" not working w/ Scourge
*fixed ai heroes in -rv choosing two heroes
*fixed randoming problem with -dm
*fixed -pe and -pa with -random, removed -par and -per
*fixed denying towers that cannot be denied
*added notification and more effects when using -aid
*added swaphero capability with the bots
*added new mode "-dynaexp" or "-de", bots gain bonus exp rates when killed,
and loses bonus exp when the bots killed a hero

*fixed some problems with the defend routine
*human teamwork script is merged with ai teamwork script
*fixed bug about checking blink location targets
*bots uses shortcuts when retreating
*after using attack commands to bots, they will not automatically try to
defend or do neutral creeping for a while
*bots normally use flasks, but you can change it by inputting "-ctango" within
the first minute
*ai will prioritize defending over healing in the fountain
*bots cancels some casting animations

*fixed halting with Doppleganger
*fixed bugs concerning windwalk like abilities
*fixed Epicenter usage bug
*fixed Fiend's Grip and Dismember misusage
*balanced Thundergod's Wrath usage
*fixed aggressiveness with Primal Split, Storm panda uses windwalk when weak
*fixed Rain of Chaos usage, Shadow Word is used for healing more frequenly
*fixed some problems with mana shield
*fixed some problems with sprout
*uses Song of the Siren to save allies
*New Ignus Fatuus AI
*fixed blade fury usage when omnislashing
*more correct use of Echo Slam
*fixed wierd bot Assassinate cancels
*fixed multiple use of Earthbind
*Spectre can use Reality
*Alchemist can use Concoction
*revamped Techies behavior
*numerous item build and skill build changes

Known Issues:
*gank command (-ct) may not work 100% correct and it's not included inthe dialogue
*AI heroes are still not balanced (Pudge,Naix suck; Viper and friends still strong)
*fatal errors may still be present

download link

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